13.07.2024 We Need a Ceasefire Now — Before It Is Too Late

What influential global political force will be able to make such a demand intelligibly and rigorously?

21.06.2024 ‘No other way out’: Ceasefire agreement in Russia-Ukraine conflict is ‘necessary’

The interview for Sky News Australia

13.06.2024 The Versailles Trap

What lessons must we draw today from events that happened more than a century ago? 

05.06.2024 A Ceasefire Agreement Must Be Struck Now

This is by no means a bilateral problem and that Ukraine’s borders should be discussed as borders of the European Union

23.05.2024 The West’s Approach to Russia Should Have Been Much Smarter

Grigory Yavlinsky took part in the debates at Cambridge Union about the West’s Approach to Russia

foreign policy
29.04.2024 New World Disorder

On the collapse of the international order formed after the end of World War II and the risks of a major global conflict 

foreign policy
26.02.2024 Two Years of War. Stop the Killing

Continuation of the military actions in any form — offensive or positional warfare — will not deliver any positive outcome for Russia, Ukraine or Western countries

18.01.2024 Grigory Yavlinsky: Dialogue with Russia cannot be avoided

The interview for The Nation Magazine

20.11.2023 «Russia and Ukraine urgently need to talk and stop the bloodshed»

Grigory Yavlinsky told Putin in their meeting that a ceasefire is «absolutely necessary»

12.10.2023 To Rescue Hostages and Curb Terror

We express our sympathy and human solidarity to the people of Israel, who once again find themselves on the front line of defence against terrorism.

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The Putin System

A new book
by Grigory Yavlinsky
Columbia University Press, 2019